Deep Dive: Abortion

*Deep Dive: Sources for Talking Points on Abortion

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Deep Dive #1: An article published in the New York Times in June 2021 by Catholic historian Garry Wills challenges the American bishops’ views on abortion. He reminds us that abortion is not mentioned anywhere in the scriptures — not in the Old or the New Testament. He states that many religious opponents of abortion believe that human life begins at conception. He states that the eminent Catholic theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas believed that the fetus did not become a person until near childbirth. He also cites the high (about 50%) rate at which the fertilized egg does not achieve nidation – adherence of the fertilized egg to the womb and suggests that nature or nature’s God would be the greatest murderer if the fertilized ovum is a “baby”. If you subscribe to the New York Times, click here to read the article. The article was criticized by other Catholic authors. Click here to read one if them.

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-Deep Dive #2: Article, Seize back the political discourse on life, by Shelia Jasanoff, professor at the Harvard Kennedy School of Public Policy. Her article reframes the discussion about life. Click here to read it. [These articles contains links to other articles. If you click on those links, use right click and select Open link in new window.]

-Deep Dive #3: Article, Breaking the Silence, by Zoe Marks who is a lecturer in public policy at The Harvard Kennedy School for Public Policy. Her article summarizes the often not talked about history of abortion in America. Click here to read it. [The article contains links to other articles. If you click on those links, use right click and select Open link in new window to ensure returning to this article.]

-Deep Dive #4: The May June edition of Mother Jones explains that not all religions believe that individual human life begins at conception. To read the article, click here.

-Deep Dive #5: A MSNBC news item reported that after the Supreme Court’s abortion decision “… More than a dozen studies, reports and editorials published in [November of 2022] in JAMA investigate the effects of that decision and highlight the many ways in which state-level changes are jeopardizing pregnant people’s health.” To read the news item , click here.

*Deep Dive #6: To read the actual Supreme Court decision of June 24, 2022 abolishing abortion rights, click on the link below:

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